How Gifts Build Relationships Before Building Business

Corporate GiftsHoliday
Spoonful of Comfort Box
Ruth Sokol can tell you a thing or two about insurance. Co-owner of a full-service agency for more that 30 years, she knows the business inside out. And she knows what it takes to stand apart in a saturated industry.

Putting a Premium on Service

“There are about a million agents in Southern California,” Sokol observes. “We’re not the only agency to offer insurance products, and we may offer the same products. We have to operate differently to stand out.”

To do it, the agency’s mantra is customer service. And they mean it. While others may define service as a pleasant voice or a returned phone call, Sokol Insurance has a reputation for truly being there. 

That means being one of the few agencies open on weekends. Accepting phone calls 24/7 (they once sold a policy thanks to a 1am call answered at home). And truly offering support when their clients need it.

That’s why Sokol Insurance has found Spoonful of Comfort to be a perfect fit.

A Human Touch for Every Situation

“In the insurance business, you often see people’s toughest moments: Illness. Accidents. Property loss. Death.” says Sokol. “Our policies mark positive times too, like a new business, a marriage, and birth of a baby.”

“Each of these moments are an emotional time in a person’s life. Sending a gift from Spoonful of Comfort is such a lovely way of giving support.”

And support their clients, they do. Sokol Insurance sends Spoonful of Comfort packages multiple times each month. “Just recently, I sent soup to a client who was mugged. He lost his wallet and an expensive Rolex watch. We handled his claim, and then we sent him some comfort food. He probably won’t get his watch back, but he called us saying how much he appreciated a nice, human gesture.”

Sending soup from Spoonful of Comfort doesn’t fix a bad situation, explains Sokol, “but it makes people feel cared for. It speaks volumes.”

And that’s what the Sokol Insurance brand is all about. “This is a way we show our clients that we know them. We are giving them something that is a person-to-person expression of care. It’s not in any way a solicitation, and people can feel that.”

An Extra Measure of Success

The agency has used various gifting companies in the past, but none felt quite as personal. “We’ve sent flowers and food baskets, which I think were appreciated,” says Sokol. “The difference with Spoonful of Comfort is that we ALWAYS hear back.”

“When we send someone a [Spoonful of Comfort] package, they just can’t believe it. We’ve had lengthy thank you letters. Most of the time it’s a heartfelt phone call. ‘The packaging! The whole presentation!’ They’re just bowled over…no pun intended!”

Sokol Insurance has relied on gifts from Spoonful of Comfort since 2014, and the agency sees no reason to change. “It’s an absolute win,” explains Sokol. “The gifts fit every single situation and express kindness in a way nothing else does.” 

This on-going gift selection has nothing to do with expenses or promotion, Sokol emphasizes. “When we send a gift of soup, it has nothing to do with the level of our client. It might be someone who has a big book of business with us, or a person who has one little automobile. I’ve sent soup to a woman who just called for a quote and was clearly going through a rough time. We’re just thinking about a person who needs a sense of caring.”

Perhaps that’s the best premium anyone can ask for.
Spoonful of Comfort nourishes businesses of all kinds. To learn more about our corporate gifting service and quantity discounts, visit or call 877-404-7678.

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