Make Someone Feel Special by Saying, "Thinking of You!"

Make Someone Feel Special by Saying, "Thinking of You!"

Whether it is your best friend, an acquaintance, or the love of your life like your wife, showing someone that you care about and are thinking of them does not have to cost a lot of money. Sometimes, all it takes is time and effort to send a dear friend a loving, thoughtful card, bring them some sunshine and happiness, and touch their heart.

The most important thing about showing someone that you care or are thinking of them is that the gestures should be thoughtful. That means you should put some (or even considerable) loving thought into it. It is not something you can do on automatic pilot.

There are different ways to convey to someone that you are thinking of them. You can do this through your actions or words, but most importantly, it should come from the heart. Here are some great ideas to show someone you are thinking of them and help them have a great day.

Ways to show someone you care with actions

You can show someone you love and care for them and are thinking of them by doing something special for them. This can be anything that involves thoughtful action that they would appreciate.

Make something special

When you make something unique and touching for someone you love, you tell them they are worth the time and effort it took to make the item. It also tells them that you spent time thinking about what you could make for them that they would like.

This could include making a card or memory book filled with happy thoughts, drawing a picture, or doing a different craft project.

Do something together

This could be anything that both of you (especially the other person) enjoy. This could be something like playing board games, going for a walk, going to a movie, or anything special.

While it is sometimes nice to just do something with someone you love, it is even better to do something with your loved one where the two of you feel connected. Spending quality time with someone means you do something where you can engage with each other while doing something you both enjoy. The activity does not matter, but the time you spend together must be meaningful.

Give them something

A thoughtful gift always goes a long way to show someone you are thinking of them. This does not have to be something expensive. It could be a bouquet, or fruit and vegetables you picked from your garden.

A gift you bought specifically for that person can also be memorable, especially if you put a lot of thought into it. An item they always wanted or an addition to their collection will show them that they are on your mind.

You could also consider giving your friend something important to you, like that piece of art you brought back from your trip to Bali or your favorite pen.

Help them out

People often take on so much and don’t always feel free to ask for help. Offering your help and then following through will show them that you care about them. Offer to pick up your friend’s kids from school, drop them off in the morning when you know they are having a hectic day, or fill up your partner’s car, so they don’t need to worry about running out of fuel.

Sometimes, you might not even need to offer before pitching in. For example, bringing over a casserole or some soup for a sick friend shows them that you are thinking of them.

Ways to show someone you care with words

When you show someone you care for them with words involves more than just sending them a picture with a quote that you downloaded from a social media platform or elsewhere on the internet.

Writing a poem expressing your true love or giving someone a hand-written letter is an excellent way to show them that you are thinking of them. Through these, you can convey a heartfelt message directly from you to them, especially when someone's going through a difficult time.

Another way to use your words to show your friend or family member that you are thinking of them is by phoning them or having a video call with them. This is the best way to connect with someone, especially if you live far apart or cannot see them in person for some other reason.

Ideas to personalize “Thinking of you” messages

Sometimes you just want to send someone a quick note or message that shows them that you love them and are thinking of them. In these cases, you don’t want to send a generic and corny quote, but you also don’t have hours to write your own poem or letter or struggle to come up with the right words.

An easy way to personalize “Thinking of you” messages is to add some of your own words to a nice quote or phrase. You can also share something that reminds you of a fun and happy memory that the two of you share.

Something as small as using your special person’s nickname or signing with your own can make a “Thinking of you” message more personal.

Send a “Thinking of you” message along with a care package

One of the best ways to combine actions and words that show and tell someone that you love them and are thinking of them is to send them a care package accompanied by a unique and personalized “Thinking of you” message.

By sending someone a care package (like one from Spoonful of Comfort) accompanied by a “Thinking of you” message, you show them that you have taken the time to choose something that you know they will enjoy and wrote a personal and thoughtful message on top of that.

Few things pick up one’s spirits as receiving a “Thinking of you” message from someone who cares about them. It shows us that we are not alone and might just be what we need to overcome a difficult time. You can show someone that you are thinking of them and think they are a wonderful person by doing something for them or saying it to them. Better yet, do both by sending them a thoughtful care package along with a “Thinking of you” message.

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